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Report management information system(RMIS)CASE STUDY:INES RUHENGERI


The aim of this research was to design and develop a web based application with a database which had potential benefits in higher learning institutions with a focus of evaluating lecturers in order to improve the quality of education. The latter triggered the researcher to use Institution d’Enseignement Superieur de Ruhengeri (INES- RUHENGERI) as a case study. At INES- RUHENGERI, employees used their reports by papers which included questions pre-written which are reported in all offices, this had not shown effectiveness and the process took much time. Therefore, an automated web based application was proposed in order to solve the above mentioned issues. To achieve this, different tools and techniques such as Agile software development model due to its ability to deliver features incrementally and enabling some benefits to be realized early as the product continues to develop as well markup languages such as HTML5, scripting language like JavaScript, PHP for back-end were used.


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